Yes!... and we've been doing it for over 20 years nows.
Here's how Nicki does it:
1. Start by parting the hair down the middle of the head for pigtails. Take side section, from the top of the head and separate into 3 strands.
2. Cross right over middle and then left over middle, as if you were doing a basic braid.
3. Switch all of the strands over to your left hand, but keep strands separated.
4. Now gather a small, even section from the right side with your right hand and add it to the right strand.
5. Bring the strand you have just added to, over to the middle and bring the middle strand to the right.6. Now switch hands keeping all strands separate, so your left hand will be free.
7. Gather a section of hair from the left side of the head and add this to the left strand.
8. Bring the left strand over to the middle and bring the middle section to the left.
9. Repeat until there is no more hair available to add.
10. Finish off the rest of hair with a basic braid.
11. Repeat entire process on opposite side of head.
Nicki did this in under 5 minutes—will take a lot longer to wrap your head around the directions!
Go ahead, practice on your best friend...