Monday, January 18, 2010

Hermes crafts. paper studs.

I was traveling the world of Hermes this afternoon and stumbled upon a petite dIY project that was right up my alley—recreating the Collier de chien Hermes studded cuff in paper! They provide the downloadable template and the rest is up to you. I revel in seeing luxury brands like Hermes encouraging crafting! Bien fait!


  1. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I was too overwhelmed the day of the taping to ask who had made that beautiful "Martha" sign. It is so delightful. Once I receive it with my 'Basket-o-Clean' in the mail I intend to have it framed along with the photo of Martha and I. Truly, Kristin, I am in awe of it. My reaction to it on set was the proof. Thank you so much! (Did you make my yarn card too?)

  2. Cute DIY!!
    I love these bracelet a shame they are so expensive will have to make do with a paper one I guess :)

