Wednesday, February 22, 2012

fringed scarf

Last week on the show, I demoed how to make this leather fringed wool scarf. You can find the how-to on, but I thought I would provide a photo how-to of for threading the leather tassels. 
This rectangular scarf is the width of the fabric (which was 60") by 13 inches. On the 13" sides are about 25 leather tassels that hang 12" long. 
The tassels start a quarter of an inch in on each end and are a half inch apart from one another. Line up a ruler a quarter of an inch into the edge of the fabric and punch holes at every half inch. A Martha Stewart Crafts screw punch, fixed with a 1/16" tip, is ideal for making the holes in the fabric.
Cut 50 leather laces (from The Leather Guy or Leather Impact) to 24 inches long. Prepare a thin piece of folded wire to use as a needle. Fold a piece of leather so the suede sides face each other and sandwich between the fold of your wire needle. Pull the leather through the top of the fabric until you have a loop on the under side.
Remove the needle and flip the top length of leather to be suede side up. Both lengths should be suede side up at this point.
Fold the leather over the edge of the fabric and through the loop. To tighten the loop, pull the leather close to the hole. You should not see the suede side of the leather from this side.
Keep adding tassels until you complete one side. 
Repeat process on opposite end of fabric. Done!
For a video how-to click here.


  1. I was wondering if the size of the lacing listed on the MSL show was an error. You mentioned "The Leather Guy" and I checked it out. They have 3/16", but not 5/16". The other source listed was Leather Impact" also has only 3/16" but no 5/16". Thank you. pcbeattie

  2. Hi Anonymous,
    You are absolutely correct—there was a mistake in the process! The thickness of the laces are in fact 3/16". Sorry for the mix up and thanks for catching the mistake ; )

  3. I'm kind of obsessed with this. Beautiful! I want.

  4. you are awesome. lemme make one!

  5. Holy smokes!!! I'm not a big fan on fringe but this is simply GORGEOUS!!! MUST MAKE! Thanks for the tutorial!
